Learning the Basics of Weight loss

Welcome to my first post! I’m Sophie, mum of 2 who has created this blog ‘Striving for Strength’ in hopes to inspire other like-minded mums out there to begin their own fitness journey. A little about me; I have a little boy, age 4, and a little girl, age 3. They keep me super busy and it’s so easy to become bogged down with the responsibilities of being a mum, it’s nice to take a little time out of my day to focus on me! I have lost just over 50lbs in the 3 years I have been working out. In the beginning, I would focus on cardio, working out to get a ‘sweat on’, because this means you must have ‘burned loads of calories’, right? From doing vigorous exercises I didn’t enjoy (kinda’ dreaded!), to the ‘abs in 6 weeks’ workouts on YouTube by the girls who’ve never had kids…it just wasn’t sustainable for me, and it just doesn’t work! If anything, it just made me feel annoyed because there was that much misleading information out there, I didn’t know where to look! If you can resonate with me here, I really hope this blog can bring you an insight to fitness whilst being a mum!

It wasn’t until I began to tone my workouts right down and focus on weight training that I began to see some results! I looked in the mirror one day and thought ‘oh my god I can see a bit of definition in my bicep’ and that was it, I was hooked! I began to work on my form, I would experiment with what exercise worked which muscle, and I would pick the ones I enjoyed and repeat them over and over. I couldn’t believe that my hard work was finally
paying off, because although exercising is great for the mental health, I wanted to lose weight after having my children purely for the aesthetic reason. I didn’t like the way I looked, I felt uncomfortable in everything I wore, and I just didn’t feel like me. This is so common for new mums, and whilst we shouldn’t be expected to jump right back into fitness after having a baby – it’s so beneficial to do things that make you feel good about yourself! 

If you’re a beginner or feeling a little lost in the world of fitness, I will be posting regular blog posts around fitness for mums and hopefully you will find lots of useful information. I have attached my recent eBook to this post for you to have a look at. It focuses on the basics of weight loss and gives you a starting point so you can create your own plan without breaking the bank on hiring a personal trainer. Thanks for reading! Sophie xo

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